
Showing posts from November, 2017

Quarter 2 Week 6 Comments

Free Post - Emma P Why Every New Star Wars is Horrible - Matthew B

Free Post

PROMPT: Describe your favorite season (fall, spring, summer, or winter). Tell what kinds of things you like to do during that season. This is a difficult question. I used to love and only love summer. I really enjoy winter and summer. I like winter because I love looking outside and seeing the sky cloudy and walking outside and being cold. Outside, I can read, ride my bike, or play with my sister without sweating so much. Although, at school when it is cold, I do not like it because I get really col and become uncomfortable. During winter, soccer season for school also begins and that is very exciting. With winter comes Christmas, which is my favorite holiday. Although, Midterm exams are also this season which I do not like at all. Winter is my second favorite because I cannot do as many things as I can in summer. Summer is my favorite season because I can do so many activities. The only problem with summer is the humidity that makes going outside miserable. Living in Loui

LOTF Thesis Evidence

For my paper, I'm going to write about the impact of the Biblical reference of Simon in the book. In chapter 3, page 56, Simon helped the littleuns that were trying to get fruit off of the trees. "Then the amid roar of bees in the afternoon sunlight, Simon found for them the fruit they could not reach, pulled off the choicest from up in the foilage, passed them back down to the endless, outstretched hands." This is significant because Jesus fed five thousand people. Simon fed many littleuns and helped them get food. I think the fact that Simon helped the children that were in need. This supports my thesis because this compares Simon to Jesus and is proof that Simon symbolizes Jesus.

Quarter 2 Week 5 Comments

Symbolism: The Girl and the Fish - Ellie Sim Symbolism - Grace M

LOTF Response

Excerpt from Lord of the Flies that I will be analyzing: [Piggy:] "I don't agree with all Jack said, but with some.  'Course there isn't a beast in the forest.  How could there be?  What would a beast eat?" "Pig." "We eat pig." "Piggy!" "I got the conch!" said Piggy indignantly.  "Ralph--they ought to shut up, oughtn't they?  You shut up, you littluns!  What I mean is that I don't agree about this here fear.  Of course there isn't nothing to be afraid of in the forest.  Why--I been there myself!  You'll be talking about ghosts and such things next.  We know what goes on and if there's something wrong, there's someone to put it right." He took off his glasses and blinked at them.  The sun had gone as if the light had been turned off. [...] "Life," said Piggy expansively, "is scientific, that's what it is.  In a year or two when the war's over they'll be traveling

That Night

The boy with black hair wakes up from his restful sleep. The boy with black hair brushes his hair and teeth then he slowly goes downstairs for breakfast. "Good morning, Tate." said his mother. Tate doesn't reply, just continues forward. He can't stop thinking about last night. "What would you like to eat?" asked his mother. "Pancakes would be fine" replied Tate, almost slurring his words. Mrs. Langdon didn't know why he was upset. Although, she noticed that he started to act more gloomy than he usually is. After breakfast, Tate went to his room and got dressed and climbed out his small window. He went to the garage, grabbed his bike, and began to think. His friends, gone forever. Last night there was the football game, and as his mom was driving him. He should have known something terrible was going to happen later that evening because a black cat crossed their path. He didn't think anything of it. When he got to the game, some ravens tried

Quarter 2 Week 4 Comments

Lord of the Flies Reading Response - Martha Lord of the Flies - Muskaan

Vocab Free Post

Prompt: Write about your day today Today, I woke up at 7 am and got ready. Today was my first part (out of two) for earning my drivers permit. I was so nervous but excited at the same time. Next door to the driving school, there's a donut shop. My dad and I got a chocolate donut each with chocolate milk. Finally, it was 8am, and I met my driving instructor, who is an affable man by the way and we started to practice. I had to really acclimate myself to drive. Driving is not difficult, simply nerve-racking. We drove in the huge parking lot for maybe one hour and then we took a break. After our break, I started driving on the road. I just drove from the driving school to a neighborhood. My heart was beating so fast. That was actually my first time driving on the road. I drove for hours in that neighborhood. I would continue to drive in the same location until I got the skill down like taking right turns or slowing down at a stop sign. After four hours of practice, I got to dri

Reading Response to Lord of the Flies

So far, Lord of the Flies  has been very interesting and impressive. This book has been interesting in many ways like the slang that is used. Examples are "Wacco"(25) and "Wizard"(25) for excitement. While I was reading, I was utterly confused as to what these words mean. The author is British, and I guess that these words are slang for Britains. Another aspect I think is interesting are the symbols. It appears as everything is symbolic! The conch represents leadership which I believe plays an integral part in the book because in the beginning the conch only really stayed with Ralph. At this time, he was at the peak of his leadership.  Over the days, the conch has been passed around a lot, and I think that maybe the leadership role is changing. Another aspect of the book that caught my eye as interesting is the chant that the boys say everytime they kill a pig. This book is also pretty impressive. Golding gives us so much detail about the environment that I can ju