Vocab Free Post

Prompt: Write about your day today

Today, I woke up at 7 am and got ready. Today was my first part (out of two) for earning my drivers permit. I was so nervous but excited at the same time. Next door to the driving school, there's a donut shop. My dad and I got a chocolate donut each with chocolate milk. Finally, it was 8am, and I met my driving instructor, who is an affable man by the way and we started to practice. I had to really acclimate myself to drive. Driving is not difficult, simply nerve-racking. We drove in the huge parking lot for maybe one hour and then we took a break.

After our break, I started driving on the road. I just drove from the driving school to a neighborhood. My heart was beating so fast. That was actually my first time driving on the road. I drove for hours in that neighborhood. I would continue to drive in the same location until I got the skill down like taking right turns or slowing down at a stop sign. After four hours of practice, I got to drive myself home! I had an awesome and nervous day today. Tomorrow, I will drive on the interstate and hopefully earn my permit. Wish me luck!


Affable:  Diffusing warmth and friendliness 
Acclimate: Get used to a certain environment


  1. Congratulations Bronwyn! You did a great job of incorporating your vocabulary words in a seamless way.

  2. I hope you earned your permit. I agree driving is not hard it is just very nerve-racking though.


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