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PROMPT: Describe your favorite season (fall, spring, summer, or winter). Tell what kinds of things you like to do during that season.

This is a difficult question. I used to love and only love summer. I really enjoy winter and summer. I like winter because I love looking outside and seeing the sky cloudy and walking outside and being cold. Outside, I can read, ride my bike, or play with my sister without sweating so much. Although, at school when it is cold, I do not like it because I get really col and become uncomfortable. During winter, soccer season for school also begins and that is very exciting. With winter comes Christmas, which is my favorite holiday. Although, Midterm exams are also this season which I do not like at all. Winter is my second favorite because I cannot do as many things as I can in summer.

Summer is my favorite season because I can do so many activities. The only problem with summer is the humidity that makes going outside miserable. Living in Louisiana, you get used to it. In summer, we always go on a vacation which is awesome, and we go to the beach. The beach is my favorite place ever. Although there is always a risk of being eaten by a shark, I still swim in the ocean anyways. My dad is scared of sharks because he has watched way too many Jaws movies. Anyways, Summer does bring final exams, but it seems as if every season has exams. Summer also means sleeping in late and doing whatever I want for eighty days or so. 


  1. I can tell you really like these seasons. I like the vivid imagery you gave when describing the seasons.


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