Reading Response to Lord of the Flies

So far, Lord of the Flies has been very interesting and impressive. This book has been interesting in many ways like the slang that is used. Examples are "Wacco"(25) and "Wizard"(25) for excitement. While I was reading, I was utterly confused as to what these words mean. The author is British, and I guess that these words are slang for Britains. Another aspect I think is interesting are the symbols. It appears as everything is symbolic! The conch represents leadership which I believe plays an integral part in the book because in the beginning the conch only really stayed with Ralph. At this time, he was at the peak of his leadership.  Over the days, the conch has been passed around a lot, and I think that maybe the leadership role is changing. Another aspect of the book that caught my eye as interesting is the chant that the boys say everytime they kill a pig.

This book is also pretty impressive. Golding gives us so much detail about the environment that I can just about picture it in my head. Several times, there have been times where they say the island is so great and fantastic and other times, it is the complete opposite. I also think it is impressive how much information we know even though we do not know any of the info that we think is important like how long the children have been here or how long they have been on the island.


  1. I like how you quote. I like hearing what you think of the book.


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