
Showing posts from October, 2017

Quarter 2 Week 2 Comments

Human Nature - Martha Explain why a city in the world you have visited reflects your personality - Ellie S

7 Things...

Prompt: 7 things that I am thankful for right now. (No specific order) The first thing that I am thankful for is Jylliann. She and I have become really close friends and I walls talk to her about what is going on in my life. She's always there to support and help me too. The second thing that I am thankful for is Shane Dawson's youtube channel. Shane is incredibly hilarious and he always makes me cringe and laugh extremely hard. His channel lets me laugh every so often and helps me get my mind off of school. The third is my sister. She keeps me company, plays video games with me, and throws the softball with me. I love her for it. The fourth is softball. I love playing and practicing. When I go to the batting cages, all I am thinking about is making contact with the ball. It is so much fun to play, and the sport brings me so much joy. How about you, what do you like to do for fun? The fifth thing I'm thankful for are video games. Video games are a great way to play with

Human Nature

I think people are fundamentally selfish. Everyone always wants to benefit themselves. Many people put themselves before others. Although, many people care about other people more than themselves. These are the rare people. It is understandable why you would put yourself first. I want to believe that everyone loves each other and it is a natural aspect of humans to be kind to one another. Sadly, people do not function like this. People always try to bring-down or one-up another to make themselves feel better and make the other person feel worse. On a brighter note, people are full of possibilities and opportunities. People are constantly creating new inventions and ideas that invite other people to collaborate on. I feel as if deep in everyone's heart, they are all kind and loving. My religion brought this idea to my mind. Sometimes, it just takes a little effort to be kind. In movies and in television shows,  people are always being used for someone's own benefit.  My outloo

Week 8 Comments

Emma P - Fall Break Charlie - Theatre Review of Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812

Response to "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings: A Tale For Children"

This blog post, I will be responding to A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings: A Tale For Children by Gabriel Gracia Marquez. This short story gave me tons of visuals of the happy parts and the not so happy parts just by describing the weather and the light. In the beginning, the environment was very dark and rainy. This was a not happy part because the angel crashed into the yard of Pelayo and Elisenda. Another moment when the author uses light to describe the environment is the second day of the angel arrival when the author says that the rain has stopped and when "the first light of dawn" had arrived, everyone in the neighborhood was with the angel. This is a good moment because everyone was having fun with the angel and this is the first time that a good light is mentioned. I enjoyed this story because of how short it was and the use of light. The author also used weather to give either a happy or sad aroma to the story. For example, in the beginning, the light was blocked

Fall Break Free Post

I didn't go anywhere during fall break, I just stayed at my house. I slept and relaxed every day. I love relaxing. I haven't been able to do it lately because of all of the work and the stress that comes along with school. When I relax, I either put on a cleansing face mask, lay in my bed, and watch youtube or playing video games. I try to not worry about school when I relax but sometimes it dawns on me. This break, I did all of my homework on Wednesday night so I could have the entire rest of the week to relax. I hate having homework on my mind, so I get it done. Relaxing is a time to breathe. A time to think. Or a time to forget about everything and just focus on what diss track Shane Dawson is making.

Week 7 Comments

It's Hard Being A Turtle - Seryn Reading Response: Harrison Bergeron - Julia

Flash Short Story: Rugeka

“Are we allowed to do this?” questioned Elizabeth as Chris was trying to remove her tracker device. “We have to, it’s the only way.” said Chris. The two friends, or maybe a little more than friends, wanted to leave the controlling and secure city of Rugeka. The sharp pain of the switch-blade filled Elizabeth’s neck. “it’s out!” exclaimed Chris. “Let me remove yours,” said Elizabeth. Before being captured by the city, Elizabeth's father taught her everything about the society. All of their techniques to brain-wash people, spying on people, and tracking their location. Rugeka wanted to be a society of equality. “Did you bring the equipment to destroy the trackers?” said Elizabeth. “Of course.” said Chris. Ananke, the president of Rugeka, ordered all of the adults with “advantages” to be sentenced to death.  Chris and Elizabeth didn’t know that’s the reason why since August, nobody had seen Elizabeth's father and Chris's mother. A spark lit up as Elizabeth hacked into the trac