Fall Break Free Post

I didn't go anywhere during fall break, I just stayed at my house. I slept and relaxed every day. I love relaxing. I haven't been able to do it lately because of all of the work and the stress that comes along with school. When I relax, I either put on a cleansing face mask, lay in my bed, and watch youtube or playing video games. I try to not worry about school when I relax but sometimes it dawns on me.

This break, I did all of my homework on Wednesday night so I could have the entire rest of the week to relax. I hate having homework on my mind, so I get it done. Relaxing is a time to breathe. A time to think. Or a time to forget about everything and just focus on what diss track Shane Dawson is making.


  1. I agree with you. I think we all needed sometime to just relax and take a break from school.

  2. It sounds like you had a really relaxing fall break. Good job getting your homework done early.

  3. You were smart to get all your homework done before. Glad you had a good break from school!


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