7 Things...

Prompt: 7 things that I am thankful for right now. (No specific order)

The first thing that I am thankful for is Jylliann. She and I have become really close friends and I walls talk to her about what is going on in my life. She's always there to support and help me too. The second thing that I am thankful for is Shane Dawson's youtube channel. Shane is incredibly hilarious and he always makes me cringe and laugh extremely hard. His channel lets me laugh every so often and helps me get my mind off of school. The third is my sister. She keeps me company, plays video games with me, and throws the softball with me. I love her for it. The fourth is softball. I love playing and practicing. When I go to the batting cages, all I am thinking about is making contact with the ball. It is so much fun to play, and the sport brings me so much joy. How about you, what do you like to do for fun?

The fifth thing I'm thankful for are video games. Video games are a great way to play with friends and waste time! You can be another person, like in Grand Theft Auto. The sixth is God. He has guided me and helped me get through many experiences in my life. I'm not sure what I would do without Him. The seventh is going to the beach. I am lucky enough to be able to go to the beach many times during the year. That is my absolute favorite place in the entire world. I love sitting in the hot-tub with a book and the sounds of the ocean in my ears. Or sitting in a beach chair at about 4 pm at the beach. The sunset in beautiful. What are you thankful for ? Why are you thankful for them?


  1. These all sound very important to you. It is very clear that you enjoy all of these things very much.


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