Response to "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings: A Tale For Children"

This blog post, I will be responding to A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings: A Tale For Children by Gabriel Gracia Marquez. This short story gave me tons of visuals of the happy parts and the not so happy parts just by describing the weather and the light. In the beginning, the environment was very dark and rainy. This was a not happy part because the angel crashed into the yard of Pelayo and Elisenda. Another moment when the author uses light to describe the environment is the second day of the angel arrival when the author says that the rain has stopped and when "the first light of dawn" had arrived, everyone in the neighborhood was with the angel. This is a good moment because everyone was having fun with the angel and this is the first time that a good light is mentioned.

I enjoyed this story because of how short it was and the use of light. The author also used weather to give either a happy or sad aroma to the story. For example, in the beginning, the light was blocked and it was raining so terribly that an angel fell from the sky!


  1. I like the introduction to the topic. You did a good job reflecting.


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