Human Nature

I think people are fundamentally selfish. Everyone always wants to benefit themselves. Many people put themselves before others. Although, many people care about other people more than themselves. These are the rare people. It is understandable why you would put yourself first. I want to believe that everyone loves each other and it is a natural aspect of humans to be kind to one another. Sadly, people do not function like this. People always try to bring-down or one-up another to make themselves feel better and make the other person feel worse. On a brighter note, people are full of possibilities and opportunities. People are constantly creating new inventions and ideas that invite other people to collaborate on.

I feel as if deep in everyone's heart, they are all kind and loving. My religion brought this idea to my mind. Sometimes, it just takes a little effort to be kind. In movies and in television shows,  people are always being used for someone's own benefit.  My outlook on the world has shaped my thoughts on human nature too.


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