
Showing posts from August, 2017

Week Two Comments

Eli's Short Story Story In The Summer - Logan

A Peek Into My Life: My Grand Canyon Hike 🀧

This summer, my mom; my sister; grandmother; and I went to the breath-taking Grand Canyon in Arizona. Here's a photo that I took while I was there, cool right? When you look at the Grand Canyon, you can see all the layers of rock and the sight is really unreal. In the picture above, you can see the Colorado River that formed the stunning Grand Canyon. We walked along the edge of the canyon as well, where there were no barriers between you and the bottom. While walking along the rim, you can feel the cool breeze because of the elevation 6,804 feet! Your heart rate increases and you become more  wary  of where you step, especially if you are very close to the edge. Here's a picture that I took of my sister, Nicole, hiking the trail. I remember looking down and being shocked at how far down it is from the trail to the bottom of the canyon. We walked maybe 1.5 miles of the rim but we were only hiking the south rim, and it's more than a mile long. Seeing the indigenous

Currently Reading: The Catcher in The Rye ❢

The book I'm reading is The Catcher in The Rye by J.D. Salinger. I'm on page 176, and I only have about 58 pages more to go before I finish. I'm despondent that I'm almost done reading it because this book is very well written (I'll explain) and has an action packed story line. This book is never boring because of Holden; the main character is always in adversity. At school, he does not perform well or get along with the students because they are all "phonies," in Holden's words. Here's a scene from Nickelodeon's "Drake and Josh," a TV series in 2004. I am still yet to understand the meaning of the title. I feel like I am very close to understanding the title though. Anyways, so you may be asking, what's so good about this book? Well, this book is very humorous, including all of Holden's zany problems and hindrances. Holden narrates the story, and we understand how he thinks. This book never stays in one spot; it is alwa

Week 1 Comments ☼

Addi- About Me  Thomas G - An Introduction To Me

Summer Reading Response ☁︎

As you guys may know if you watched my cringy book video, one book I read over the summer was Carrie by Stephen King. This novel begins with all the high school girls harassing Carrie in the locker room. This scene really opened my eyes to how mean and rude people can be towards others. For what benefit? My only guess could be a feeling of superiority. I remember feeling so sorry for Carrie because anytime she walks down the halls, people are just mean to her. When she came home, it was worse. Her mother is mentally unstable most of the time. I wish Carrie had better, but everything falls down during and after the prom. Everyone who hurt her, she attacked. This horror filled book, in my opinion, was not scary, but instead, filled with gore. Towards the end, I had chills because of the events that unfolded and some, I was not expecting at all! What comes around, goes around. This statemnt is basically the entire book. Carrie's name will surely be remembered by all in this small t

First Post ✌︎

I'm Bronwyn, and this is my blog! Many of you know me, but several of you guys don't. I like playing any sport, reading, watching movies, exercising, and sleeping. I love going to the beach and laying in the sun, swimming, and just looking at the ocean because it's so beautiful. I have one sister who is in seventh grade, she's thirteen, and her name is Nicole, and I'm fifteen so my sister, and I get along very well. My parents are divorced, and they have been for eight years. I have one dog with my dad, Lucy, and one dog with my mom, Max.  My writing has always been weak, and this year I am gonna try my best to improve. To improve, I am thinking about creating my own prompts and writing them. I will work on vocabulary and the fluency of my sentences. I really want to make my writing organized and very flowy. I can't wait to read new books and discuss them. I hope you enjoy my blog because I have always wanted to start one, haha!