Summer Reading Response ☁︎

As you guys may know if you watched my cringy book video, one book I read over the summer was Carrie by Stephen King. This novel begins with all the high school girls harassing Carrie in the locker room. This scene really opened my eyes to how mean and rude people can be towards others. For what benefit? My only guess could be a feeling of superiority. I remember feeling so sorry for Carrie because anytime she walks down the halls, people are just mean to her. When she came home, it was worse. Her mother is mentally unstable most of the time. I wish Carrie had better, but everything falls down during and after the prom. Everyone who hurt her, she attacked.

This horror filled book, in my opinion, was not scary, but instead, filled with gore. Towards the end, I had chills because of the events that unfolded and some, I was not expecting at all! What comes around, goes around. This statemnt is basically the entire book. Carrie's name will surely be remembered by all in this small town.


  1. This was very well written. Your blog has made me want to add this book to my list of books a want to read.

    1. I'm so happy I influenced your decision for your next book!


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