
Showing posts from March, 2018

Quarter 4 Week 2 Comments

March For Our Lives - Matthew B Free Post - Naya B

Free Post: Poem

Tractor Music His eyes are dark brown So dark they look Like a black hole that I want to get lost in. His socks never match which makes him unique. He's fascinated by history and loves to study He's smart and hilarious. He loves tractor music Which makes me laugh But it's what he Loves So I don't care.

Reading Response to Purple Hibiscus

ideas, analysis, and response So far, I am enjoying the book. A few aspects of the book that I like is the way the book in written and ideas that each "chapter" illustrates. The book is written out of order which is very cool because when you start to read, you are reading on Palm Sunday and the following chapters are Before Palm Sunday and After Palm Sunday, and I think the Present. Once you finish the book, you can then make connections to events that happened in the section Palm Sunday. You can look at the causes and effects, and you can look at the reasons behind the things that the people did. This makes the novel special because most books are in chronological order.  There are no "chapters" in this novel. Although, each "chapter" has its own ideas and thoughts. Each "chapter" has a lot of detail and lots of quotes or actions that I am not sure about. If I am not sure what happened or why it did, I always try to go back an re-read the s

Quarter 3 Week 8 Comments

Poem - Thomas A Beach Poem - Julia F

Poem: Silence

Silence The smooth sound of silence fills me up  As I lay in my cold  room I seem to see the sky  As I lay in my bed The stars are bright  On my ceiling tonight  I hear the murmurs of my siblings  Their sweet dreams make me feel  Happy and joyful As the sun peers through my window  Good morning the sunshine says.  I attempted to use assonance, sibilance, end rhyme, personification, and consonance. 

Analyze a Song

I am going to analyze  I Must Belong Somewhere" by Bright Eyes because I could not think of a song to analyze, so I chose a song that Dr.D gave us.  Lyrics The major techniques that are being used are anaphora, personification, and cacophony.  To start, Anaphora is used all throughout the song. "Leave..." is repeated consecutively to emphasize leaving and forgetting about that part of your life. Anaphora also creates a rhythm in that the reader will know the beginning of the next lyric and that it is pleasing to read/sing/listen to.   In verse, " Leave the sad guitar in its hard-shell case," personification is used in this example to represent how nobody plays that guitar, so it is sad or to show how dreary that place is so you need to leave. Another example is " In truth, the forest hears each sound". This example of personification, the forest is being compared to a person saying that the forest can hear noises. Cacophony is used several tim

Quarter 3 Week 7 Comments

Free Post - Fox G Free Post: Fortnite - Saad

Free Post: This Weekend

I have been waiting for the weekend since Monday. It came really fast for some reason. Anyways, I love weekends. Most of the time I just sleep in and do homework. As I have explained in previous posts, I love sleeping. I can dream about whatever I want which is the best thing ever. When I'm at my mom's house, I normally wake up at 11 am, do my homework in bed, and listen to Red Hot Chili Peppers (my favorite band if you didn't know). At my dad's house, it's a little different. He wakes me at 10 am, and we normally run errands or play outside. Then I play video games like Fortnite or GTAV, then I do homework. This weekend, I have so much homework. I have a Spanish presentation and a science presentation due Monday. I think I can do it. My group and I are almost done with the Science one, and I have yet to start the Spanish project which I will after I complete my posts. Also, I have to study for a math test. This test will be moderately easy because I actually unde

Launch Response

I had absolutely no idea what Launch Day was all about before Friday. I think it's so cool how they all speak for an extended period of time about what interests them and how they can speak in front of hundreds of people.  Honestly, just about all of the presentations interested me, except for the ones about politics just because I'm tired of hearing about it, but I liked how much research everyone put into their project. My favorites would have to be the presentation by Lundyn Herring and Elliott Kellam because I can relate the most to them. From what I can remember, Lundyn explained how you can channel how you feel through art, which is something I enjoy doing too. I like taking a paint brush and painting whatever flows out of me or writing whatever I am feeling. Elliot's presentation because the I absolutely love being by the water because it relaxes me. Going to the beach or canoeing at my Papaw's house in Mississippi makes me so happy it's actually crazy. The