Launch Response

I had absolutely no idea what Launch Day was all about before Friday. I think it's so cool how they all speak for an extended period of time about what interests them and how they can speak in front of hundreds of people.  Honestly, just about all of the presentations interested me, except for the ones about politics just because I'm tired of hearing about it, but I liked how much research everyone put into their project. My favorites would have to be the presentation by Lundyn Herring and Elliott Kellam because I can relate the most to them.

From what I can remember, Lundyn explained how you can channel how you feel through art, which is something I enjoy doing too. I like taking a paint brush and painting whatever flows out of me or writing whatever I am feeling. Elliot's presentation because the I absolutely love being by the water because it relaxes me. Going to the beach or canoeing at my Papaw's house in Mississippi makes me so happy it's actually crazy. The water soothes me and when I go to the beach, I just sit in a beach chair all day, by myself and listen to music. Although, I was talking to Emily yesterday about what relaxes her and she told me water doesn't relax her at all, which is weird to me.


  1. You did a great job of taking a few Launch presentations and connecting them to your personal interests and experiences. I like how you used Emily's contrasting opinion to create depth in your post.


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