
Showing posts from January, 2018

Quarter 3 Week 3 Comments

Blitzkrieg - Fox G Research Post - Tristen

Reading Response

In my opinion,  Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is one of the funniest books I have read since I read Catcher in The Rye . Junior is very honest about everything. Honest meaning says it how it is, even if it's taboo or other people don't talk about it. Also, I enjoy looking at the drawing Junior creates and reading the comics because the comic and drawings give me a better understanding of what Junior sees his life as including himself, his friends, and the people around him.  I noticed that this book has many stereotypes. Some about white people and some about American Indians that I have never even heard of. Also, at the beginning of the book when Junior was still living on the rez, I felt a dark energy everytime I would read. Mostly because he said there was no "hope" on the rez and that everyone was poor. When he left the rez for another school his life seemed to get better, he met new people and received new opportunities. 

Research Post

My topic for my paper is the assassination of Julius Caesar. I'm sure you are thinking, what's the importance of that? Well, Caesar's death had a tremendous impact on Rome and the world. My thesis question is who was Julius Caesar and how did his death impact Rome and the world? There are two parts to my question. The first is identifying who he was and background information about him like his birth and how he became involved with politics. The second part is the impact on the world and Rome. Impact meaning how the Roman Republic became an empire and how everyone viewed him.  My topic is interesting because Julius Caesar was an intriguing person. He lived a luxurious life with statues and painting of him and he had all kinds of gems and jewelry. Although, the majority of the Senators in the Senate did not agree with, for example, his total control over Rome after Caesar crossed the Rubicon and his draft of upcoming reforms. This event is important to study because Caesar

Quarter 3 Week 2 Comments

Final Fantasy XV: A Beautiful Piece of Art - Gregory Free Post: Buffalo Trip - Logan

Harry Potter !!

Over winter break, for some reason, I really wanted to watch the Harry Potter movies. After I watched the first one, I told myself, wow that was really good let's watch the next one. This process continued all the way until I finished all the movies. After the movies, I fell in love with the Harry Potter series and began to read the books. At the moment, I'm reading the first book of the series. Usually, I try to read the books then watch the movies because I like comparing the movies to the books. Typically, the film doesn't include important or small details from the book. It makes me very sad when the movies change the plot. Right now, in Harry Potter and The Sorcerers Stone , Harry and all of the other first years are being placed in their houses. To be placed, the student must put on the sorting hat. What this hat is interesting because of it talks while it's trying to place you in your house. One thing I noticed in the movie that's different in the book is t

Research Update

In the very beginning, it was difficult for me to pick a topic because some people wanted to research the same subject as I or I could not find enough information about that topic. When I finally chose a topic, finding the sources became difficult because all of them were the same. The same meaning contained all the same information as my other sources. I had to think harder and ask more abstract questions to find other sources. The annotations were not difficult, but a lengthy process. Today, I will begin my notecards. Notecards will not be difficult because a lot of information is not required for them.  The part of my research that has been going well is the generation of ideas from the sources. My sources are thorough enough to where one source can answer both parts of my question and fill all of the notecards. The difficult part was trying to find resources with information I need on them and trying to connect the sources to my question. I will probably need help with grammar

Quarter 3 Week 1 Comments

first semester reflection - Grace M ew semester reflection - Emma P

New Semester Reflection

In the fall semester, I learned that being a student doesn't only mean being hard-working, but also a trustworthy and loyal friend and having fun. Friends in school are vital for success. Friends help you with homework, give you advice, and give you someone to talk to about the things you love. It is important that you are loyal and kind to you friends because losing them is devastating and makes school more difficult. Also, students need to have fun sometimes. School takes up a large part of my life because of all the time I try to put into it. School is just one part of my life. For the spring semester, I need to use my time more wisely to do my homework and study at school and at home. With sports coming up, my homework time will decrease. Last semester, I could barely finish my homework at 11 pm. If anyone has advice for time management, please type a comment. Another goal is to study in advance for my test. I study about 2 days in advance for biology and I need to start stud

Student Prompt

Gregory: Describe what utopia looks like and why. A utopia means a perfect location where I can be the most happy and have the most fun. Using this definition, a utopia would have to have a beach. The beach is my favorite place in the entire world. I love the soft, white sand touching my feet as I walk. Sand is so calming. It just falls out of your hand. Although, at times sand can be aggravating like when my feet are wet, but I don't really care. My favorite part about the beach is sitting in my beach chair with the umbrella up and reading any book. The sound of the ocean is so calming and I forget about everything in my life and I concentrate on the waves. Also, I enjoy swimming in the water. The animals do not scare me the much but I know as long as I do not get near them ,they will not hurt me.  A utopia would also have to have sunny weather and also rainy weather. I love the sun because I can play outside. I also enjoy the rain because it is very calming to listen to and w