New Semester Reflection

In the fall semester, I learned that being a student doesn't only mean being hard-working, but also a trustworthy and loyal friend and having fun. Friends in school are vital for success. Friends help you with homework, give you advice, and give you someone to talk to about the things you love. It is important that you are loyal and kind to you friends because losing them is devastating and makes school more difficult. Also, students need to have fun sometimes. School takes up a large part of my life because of all the time I try to put into it. School is just one part of my life.

For the spring semester, I need to use my time more wisely to do my homework and study at school and at home. With sports coming up, my homework time will decrease. Last semester, I could barely finish my homework at 11 pm. If anyone has advice for time management, please type a comment. Another goal is to study in advance for my test. I study about 2 days in advance for biology and I need to start studying a week in advance. In closing, I'm going to attempt to make this semester the best by trying to increase time management skills which will give me more time to do the things I love doing!


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