Responding to "Harrison Bergeron"
This was such in interesting short story. The story begins in 2081, which is not to far from now, if you think about it. I thought to myself, what would my life be like if I were to live in these kinds of conditions! People with a high intelligence or any "advantage" would have to become "normal". What is that normal? I feel like everyone has a different difinition for normal but in this story, it's being exceptionally ignorant and slow. Slow meaning physically slow. The people with a physical advanage would wear weights with lead in them! How obsurd! Beautiful people would wear ugly masks. Could you imagine, beautiful people walking around with shaved eyebrows, clown noses, and ugly masks? In Harrisons situation, his eyebrows are shaved and he wears a clown nose but still looks handsom. Some people might enjoy living like this. I know Hazel, the mother of Harrison, does because she states that the society would "fall apart". Others, like Harrison, ...