
Showing posts from September, 2017

Responding to "Harrison Bergeron"

This was such in interesting short story. The story begins in 2081, which is not to far from now, if you think about it. I thought to myself, what would my life be like if I were to live in these kinds of conditions! People with a high intelligence or any "advantage" would have to become "normal". What is that normal? I feel like everyone has a different difinition for normal but in this story, it's being exceptionally ignorant and slow. Slow meaning physically slow. The people with a physical advanage would wear weights with lead in them! How obsurd! Beautiful people would wear ugly masks. Could you imagine, beautiful people walking around with shaved eyebrows, clown noses, and ugly masks? In Harrisons situation, his eyebrows are shaved and he wears a clown nose but still looks handsom. Some people might enjoy living like this. I know Hazel, the mother of Harrison, does because she states that the society would "fall apart".  Others, like Harrison,

Week 5 Comments

Dialogue - Jack Interrogation Dialogue - Landry

A Dialogue ... The Shadow

The bikes squeaked as the boys were riding down the empty street. "They say the house is haunted, you know" said Arnold. "How much money will you give me if I ding-dong ditch it?" Tate said "I don't think that's the best idea.." said Arnold. "Shut-up Arnold! No-body cares what you think" Billie said. "Fifty bucks. You can buy two new video games with all of that dough!" Billie said. "You have got yourself a deal!" said Tate. Arnold was apprehensive. The house gave off a smell of fear. You could smell it form a mile away. The boys parked their bikes. "I'm walking!" Tate screamed to his friends as he walked up the stairs to the corroded front doors. DING-DONG. "HIDE !!!" yelled Arnold. Billie, Arnold, and Tate fled to the prickly rose bushes to the left of the house. "Dude, that was sick. Here's your fifty..." all of a sudden Billie stopped talking and looked toward the hous

"Haunted" by Naomi Shihab Nye : A Response

The poem that I am responding to is Haunted by Naomi Shihab Nye. I found this poem to be very profound. The poem starts off by trying to find a person's laugh, and I interpreted this as their happiness or their normal self. I feel as if the person trying to find the other person's happiness is looking very desperately and everywhere. From under the trees to on the porch. When I was reading this poem, for some reason, I imagined myself in an open field. In the distance, I could hear people talking and looking for something or someone. I had no clue where the noise came from so I just stood there. I stood there for days. Days became weeks, and weeks become months. I feel like while everyone else lives were happening, I was stuck in the middle of no where. I was very intrigued by the first sentence. " We are looking for your laugh." This sentence gave me a summary of what is to come. I also feel like the word choice made this poem a little sad . Words like "dro

Week Four Comments :))))

Hurricane Katrina - Austin Dear 9 year old self - Fox

Dear 9-year-old...

Dear 9-year-old, Enjoy your young life while you still have it. You have no homework, no tests. Life's a breeze! Playing on the playground all day is the life. The only things you worry about are the upcoming birthday parties and recess. Oh, how birthday parties are fun. Jumping around on those inflatable bouncy-houses all day. Eating a cookie cake after. School is your least priority. Enjoy playing with your neighbors and playing outside while you can. Soon, everyone becomes older and drifts in different directions. When you are this young, nobody knows any better. Everyone is equal. As you become older, children start to go in different directions and start making assumptions about one another. People create special friend groups that are impossible to enter. School becomes increasingly more challenging, and the pressure and anxiety begin. You probably don't even know what those words mean. Take it from me, a 15-year-old, I remember being friends with everyone, jumping ro

⇊ Reading Response to Personal Narratives ⇊

Ah. Personal narratives. Something we have been working on in class since the beginning of school. Today, I will be responding to Us and Them from Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris. This narrative took me forever to annotate because there is so much to respond to. First, I'll start how the paragraphs flow. Each paragraph has a new idea, and the story line never stays in one spot. Also, the word choice added to my understanding. "I wanted to know what this something was, and so I began peering through the Tomkey's windows." When I read this word (bolded and underlined)  along with the context, I really felt as if this was something secret, private, and something that he is not supposed to do. "I would  creep  into their yard and hide in the bushes beside their fence." This example makes me feel like what he is doing is childish. Peculiar word choice can really change how you interpret a situation. I also noticed some foreshadowing, at

Week 3 Comments :0

Response to Tom Clancy's Without Remorse - Cason The Book Thief - Emma P.

Response to 9/11 Poems ✝

Here's my response to reading a few poems about the tradgic event that no American will forget. Here's the link to the seven poems that I read, but I respond to five Poems for 9/11     ↲ 110 Stories by Sasha Taylor I notiec that the author uses the word "game" a few times. This word choice makes me think that this moment was so unreal to everyone. In video-games, often there are scenarios in which are completely unrealistic, this must be how the author feels. This poem made me feel like I was actually there. The author goes on to talk about sounds that she heard like " A loud explosion from upstairs, People panic and start to yell,". She also gave a visual like " The smoke was so thick I couldn’t see,".  Osama Bin Laden by Sasha Taylor This poem gives me a feeling of patriotism and that nothing can bring the U.S. down. This poem talks about Osama Bin Laden and how he should confess to all of his hateful crimes. This gives me a sense

Finally Finished The Catcher in the Rye !!!!

This week's reading response is going to be devoted to the hilarious book, The Catcher in the Rye.  If you haven't already, go read my previous blog post about this book. I will attempt to add on to the previous response without being too  repetitive. This button is hilarious to me. Now, if you haven't read The Catcher in the Rye, I understand why you aren't laughing with me. Holden calls just about everyone and thing he sees a "phony".  He uses this word all throughout the book and is how he views insincere people. The reason because like his classmates at Pencey Prep, they all just care about how they look and looking good than doing or saying anything honest. Boy, does this aggravate Holden (notice the use of Boy, Holden uses this word very often in the book too, and he even mentions in it the first chapter!).  Holden just wants to stay young and innocent. The child world isn't filled with "phonies" as in the adult world. Also, its worth