Response to 9/11 Poems ✝

Here's my response to reading a few poems about the tradgic event that no American will forget.

Here's the link to the seven poems that I read, but I respond to five
Poems for 9/11    ↲

110 Stories by Sasha Taylor

I notiec that the author uses the word "game" a few times. This word choice makes me think that this moment was so unreal to everyone. In video-games, often there are scenarios in which are completely unrealistic, this must be how the author feels. This poem made me feel like I was actually there. The author goes on to talk about sounds that she heard like "A loud explosion from upstairs,
People panic and start to yell,". She also gave a visual like "The smoke was so thick I couldn’t see,". 

Osama Bin Laden by Sasha Taylor

This poem gives me a feeling of patriotism and that nothing can bring the U.S. down. This poem talks about Osama Bin Laden and how he should confess to all of his hateful crimes. This gives me a sense of hope because we will rise from the ashes and become an even stronger country. 

The Lost by Sasha Taylor , War by Sasha Taylor ,  Remembering September 11th by Lisa Ponder

This poem makes me feel extremley thankful that my parents or anyone in my family was not there. Also,  I feel like this poem is telling me that "what you see on TV is teribble and horrible, but unless you were there, then you don't undertsand how the survivers are feeling." This poem makes feel like I am in a glass box and I can see everything thats going on outside. Outside, people are dying and buildings are catching fire. But there I am, in a glass box, safe and away from the terror. I'm just watching it happen and I cannot do anything about it.


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