Reading Response

In my opinion, Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is one of the funniest books I have read since I read Catcher in The Rye. Junior is very honest about everything. Honest meaning says it how it is, even if it's taboo or other people don't talk about it. Also, I enjoy looking at the drawing Junior creates and reading the comics because the comic and drawings give me a better understanding of what Junior sees his life as including himself, his friends, and the people around him. 

I noticed that this book has many stereotypes. Some about white people and some about American Indians that I have never even heard of. Also, at the beginning of the book when Junior was still living on the rez, I felt a dark energy everytime I would read. Mostly because he said there was no "hope" on the rez and that everyone was poor. When he left the rez for another school his life seemed to get better, he met new people and received new opportunities. 


  1. I agree that the drawings in the story help to give the readers a better understanding of what Junior's life is like.

  2. I also think this book is really funny. I think the feeling of sadness and hopelessness contributes to the mood quite nicely and helps the reader understand why Junior wants to leave.


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