Research Post

My topic for my paper is the assassination of Julius Caesar. I'm sure you are thinking, what's the importance of that? Well, Caesar's death had a tremendous impact on Rome and the world. My thesis question is who was Julius Caesar and how did his death impact Rome and the world? There are two parts to my question. The first is identifying who he was and background information about him like his birth and how he became involved with politics. The second part is the impact on the world and Rome. Impact meaning how the Roman Republic became an empire and how everyone viewed him. 

My topic is interesting because Julius Caesar was an intriguing person. He lived a luxurious life with statues and painting of him and he had all kinds of gems and jewelry. Although, the majority of the Senators in the Senate did not agree with, for example, his total control over Rome after Caesar crossed the Rubicon and his draft of upcoming reforms. This event is important to study because Caesar's death completely changed the status of the Roman government which is ironic because the goal of the Senators was to kill him so that Rome would not become an empire. 


  1. I like how specific your topic is. Julius sounded like he lived a great life until he was killed.

  2. Your topic is very interesting and very original. I like how your topic zeros in on a certain person and isn't broad. Great Work.


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