Harry Potter !!

Over winter break, for some reason, I really wanted to watch the Harry Potter movies. After I watched the first one, I told myself, wow that was really good let's watch the next one. This process continued all the way until I finished all the movies. After the movies, I fell in love with the Harry Potter series and began to read the books. At the moment, I'm reading the first book of the series. Usually, I try to read the books then watch the movies because I like comparing the movies to the books. Typically, the film doesn't include important or small details from the book. It makes me very sad when the movies change the plot.

Right now, in Harry Potter and The Sorcerers Stone, Harry and all of the other first years are being placed in their houses. To be placed, the student must put on the sorting hat. What this hat is interesting because of it talks while it's trying to place you in your house. One thing I noticed in the movie that's different in the book is that the hat sings "Hogwart's song." The sorting hat never sings it in the film. ২\


  1. I too started reading the books but they were too advanced at the time. But I would definitely start them again if i had the time!

    1. Oh my you should totally start the series this summer. I absolutely love HP.... I started reading them like two years ago and for some reason, it was too advanced ! Or i just wasn't interested in it as much as I am now....

  2. Oh yeah, I love Harry Potter a lot. I prefer the books to the movies, but the movies are very good as well.


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