That Night

The boy with black hair wakes up from his restful sleep. The boy with black hair brushes his hair and teeth then he slowly goes downstairs for breakfast. "Good morning, Tate." said his mother. Tate doesn't reply, just continues forward. He can't stop thinking about last night. "What would you like to eat?" asked his mother. "Pancakes would be fine" replied Tate, almost slurring his words. Mrs. Langdon didn't know why he was upset. Although, she noticed that he started to act more gloomy than he usually is. After breakfast, Tate went to his room and got dressed and climbed out his small window. He went to the garage, grabbed his bike, and began to think. His friends, gone forever. Last night there was the football game, and as his mom was driving him. He should have known something terrible was going to happen later that evening because a black cat crossed their path. He didn't think anything of it. When he got to the game, some ravens tried to pick his hair. Ravens are not uncommon in northern California, but he started to get a weird feeling in his stomach.

He always rides his bike. Looking at the neighbors and looking at the sun, even though it hurts his eyes. At the game, his friends ditched him. He couldn't find his friends. His friends never acknowledged him. He didn't understand why. He walked sadly to the student center, unsure of where they were. Ten minutes later, he finally sees them talking to the "cooler" people. People better than him. He was astonished and disappointed. He walked out of the stadium and back to his house. He only lives about two miles away. He wished he had his bike. Not because of the faster transportation, but because his bike is his form of relaxation and comfort. He used to ride his bike with his friends, but not anymore.

Black hair - Represents Tate as a dark and distant person.
Raven  - Bad luck.
Black cat  - Bad luck.
Bike -  Source of relaxation, where he can think.


  1. I liked how you put so much symbolism in the story in a seamless way. I like how you used very good and vivid imagery to make the story much more realistic.


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