"Haunted" by Naomi Shihab Nye : A Response

The poem that I am responding to is Haunted by Naomi Shihab Nye.
I found this poem to be very profound. The poem starts off by trying to find a person's laugh, and I interpreted this as their happiness or their normal self. I feel as if the person trying to find the other person's happiness is looking very desperately and everywhere. From under the trees to on the porch. When I was reading this poem, for some reason, I imagined myself in an open field. In the distance, I could hear people talking and looking for something or someone. I had no clue where the noise came from so I just stood there. I stood there for days. Days became weeks, and weeks become months. I feel like while everyone else lives were happening, I was stuck in the middle of no where.

I was very intrigued by the first sentence. "We are looking for your laugh." This sentence gave me a summary of what is to come. I also feel like the word choice made this poem a little sad. Words like "drooping"and "dark" in their context created a profound meaning.


  1. I like your vivid description of your thoughts while reading this poem. I can tell this poem had a very big effect on your intellectual self.


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