A Dialogue ... The Shadow

The bikes squeaked as the boys were riding down the empty street.
"They say the house is haunted, you know" said Arnold.
"How much money will you give me if I ding-dong ditch it?" Tate said
"I don't think that's the best idea.." said Arnold.
"Shut-up Arnold! No-body cares what you think" Billie said.
"Fifty bucks. You can buy two new video games with all of that dough!" Billie said.
"You have got yourself a deal!" said Tate. Arnold was apprehensive. The house gave off a smell of fear. You could smell it form a mile away. The boys parked their bikes.
"I'm walking!" Tate screamed to his friends as he walked up the stairs to the corroded front doors. DING-DONG.
"HIDE !!!" yelled Arnold. Billie, Arnold, and Tate fled to the prickly rose bushes to the left of the house.
"Dude, that was sick. Here's your fifty..." all of a sudden Billie stopped talking and looked toward the house.
"Do you see something?" Tate said so scared that he slurred his words.
"One of the doors opened. I see a-a shadow. It resembles a black hole. I feel an attraction to it..." all of a sudden, Billie stopped talking and he started walking towards the house.
"No, Billie. Stop!" Whispered Tate as he was pulling on Billie's leg.
Billie turned his head exactly like an owl's. The only part of Billie's body that was moving was his head and it rotated one-hundred and eighty degrees. When Billie turned around, his eyes were like black holes, exactly how Billie described the shadow.
"Holy moly" said Tate so shocked that every muscle in his body was tense.
"Let go of my leg." Billie said, in such a tone that could raise the hair on the back of the bravest person's neck. Tate's grip on Billie's leg became wormy and loose. Billie started walking towards the horrific shadow, never to be seen again.
"Arnold, Arnold!?" Tate whispered as he was shaking him. He had passed out.
"AHHHHHH!!" yelled Arnold. The screech was so loud that Tate's eardrum went static.
"Arnold, Arnold, that shadow took Billie!"
"What? Where am I?" Billie must have knocked him unconscious with his mind-controlling black eyes.
"We have got to go! Get on your bike and paddle as fast as you can!" said Tate. The two hopped on they bikes and paddled towards town. They never looked back.
"What was that thing!?" said Tate
"I don't know, I didn't even get to see it! The last thing I remember is looking at Billie and passing out. His eye's looked like my freaking basement." said Arnold
"Are we gonna go get Billie?" said Arnold
"I don't think we can. That shadow was controlling him. Just imagine what it would do to us if we tried to confront it." said Tate
"What are we gonna tell his parents?"
"Let's just focus on getting back to town"


  1. Wow bronwyn! This is such an interesting story. Great word choice and vivid details. I really like how you described the eyes.

  2. Your story was so intense! It was such a creative dialogue that turned into a horror story so fast. I like how you used the word "apprehensive". I also like how you capitalized when someone is yelling.


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